Master, Mystery, Legend

Many people then and people now still feel that Leonardo DaVinci wrote in secret code and encryption.  Leonardo wrote many of his notes backward, if placed in front of a mirror you could read what he had written.  In DaVinci's popular piece Mona Lisa many artist feel that he used hidden secrets and techniques.

Leonardo DaVinci influenced his later generations by being a person that had such great skills any many different areas such as painting, science, math, engineering, astronomy botany, history, and many more. He is seen as one of the most diverse man to ever live. He was a man that was well in all of these areas but was unschooled. He never received any formal education only what was taught at home. Many of DaVinci's works went unfinished. The main reason for this is because he was a slow painter. Not to mention it took him 10 years to paint his most famous painting Mona Lisa.

Leonardo DaVinci is know from a couple of his most popular paintings such as Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, but most of all his is known for his intelligence in so many different areas of life.  Even though he had so many inventions that didn't necessarily make it because he either lost interest or didn't have the finances, many of his thoughts were right on track to many things today. Too bad none of this was discovered until DaVinci had passed. He was a real genius in all things. He is was a man whom knew his stuff and was a great philosopher as well.

Author: Jolene Hall


  1. Great job. I think its really cool that he wrote backwards.

    1. I do too I think this man was a very unique individual.

  2. Very weird that he wrote backwards, but sort of a cool little puzzle for one to solve. I wonder if people really put his writings in front of a mirror to read it? Haha.

  3. Nice fact that he wrote backwards shows he's one of a kind.

  4. The videos were great information givers! Really cool he wrote backwords. Never knew about this either!
