Drawings, journals, notes

Drawing, journals, and notes

A painter can find their muse anywhere, whether it be nature, past experiences or a creative mind. Leonardo himself was his own inspiration. He starting writing in journals documenting anything that crossed his path and had a deep fascination with the human body. As you see below, is a detailed drawing of some of his work with anatomy. 

His articulate mind was spread out through the pages of his journal. Information and creations that has shaped engineering, medicine, and art in society. Before anyone could take an picture or more advanced way to illustrate the inside of a human, the closest thing in DaVinci's time was his memory. The keen detail to his work is impeccable which also reflects on his artwork.

  He was also very interested in architecture and engineering. The other drawing in his journal was a machine that flies while flapping it's wings as we now know it to be an airplane. Leonardo has another passion of inventing things and orchestrating design plans such as the machine he sketched. With all of the genius ideas DaVinci created, his journals gave the most information on how he worked and what he created other than the most famous paintings. It gives something more important, the foundation of modern day. 

   "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."
       - Leonardo DaVinci 

Authors: Ammara and Riad

Mona Lisa
 Leonardo really enjoyed painting with oils on wood. Most of his paintings consist of those contents. I have posted 2 of his most popular paintings that he ever did. The Mona Lisa was supposedly made between the ages of 1503-1519, and this piece of artwork is so influential to this day in age. It is currently hanging at Musee du Louvre in Paris. It is a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo that really become a very popular piece of art work. (Right)

The Last Supper was another influential art piece that Leonardo painted. This painting is the most studied pieces in history and it was his most sold piece. It took him around 3 years to finish it, but when he did, his life was changed. This painting remains as one of the greatest masterpieces of all time. (Below)

The Last Supper
His impact on the rest of the world was tremendous. T this day, we still have his paintings and study them to understand them and to take in the pure and raw beauty that theses paintings have. A famous quote that Leonardo said was "Art is never finished, only abandoned". He was and remains one of the best artists and inventors of all time, and because of that we have all gained knowledge and beautiful art pieces to be inspired by. 

"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."
-- Leonardo Da Vinci

The Parachute 

(Above) This was a sketch of one of his many inventions. Leonardo was intrigued by the thought of flight. This sketch was found in a book dated to 1483, and at that time flight was just a dream. Leonardo was the first to come up with an invention to float. His mind was such a power quality of his.

Vitruvian Man

This drawing of Leonardo's, was and still is one of the most well know drawings to modern day time. It is suppose to show the portions of the human body in great detail, which it clearly does.

Authors: Alexis Bartsch           Click here to is Leonardos top 10 paintings


  1. Very interesting work on drawings, but a bit too little. I don't really understand the beginning with paintings - this belongs to the paintings page/exhibition. Can you work on it a bit more? Include more on the journals and drawings, there is a still a lot you can enter here. I like the link but again it should go to the paintings page. Please work on it, it's a good start but needs modification.

  2. Good work Alexis. Personally, the last supper would have to be one of my favorite pieces of work from da Vinci.

  3. Good work. I really like the quote that you found. I really like the drawing that you found it was very interesting.

  4. Wow I can't believe it took him 3 years to finish the painting, The Last Supper. That is such a long time. I think both The Last Supper and The Mona Lisa are two of his most well known pieces of art.

  5. "Art is never finished, only abandoned" really hits home. It's a statement thats 100% true, and you can see it in his pieces.
